The first newsletter of the DISC project is available for download after one year of the project.
The DISC project was present at the 33rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, EU PVSEC 2017. Consortium members took this opportunity to discuss recent project progress, collaborate with sister projects and also activelly participated in the conference with 6 contributions:
The detailed list is available under publications.
STC meeting after 12 months since the project’s start took place at ISFH in Hameln on Aug 30-31 2017. The project is in full swing in and is focused to reach the anticipated goals. Recent progress resulted in several highlights. Initial results were already presented at the SiliconPV 2017 conference with three scientific contributions.
DISC consortium members gathered at the 7th International Conference on Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaics 2017, Silicon PV 2017.
After only 6 months in the project, the first results were already presented:The detailed list is available under publications.
An official project meeting after 6 months of the project was held in Lyon, France. The event was attended by over 25 representatives of all 13 consortium partners. Recent project developments were discussed. Work package leaders presented the work done within the work packages. All work packages were reported to be on track with already encouraging preliminary results.